27 Replies to “Andres Ratti Describes How He Overcame Fear”

  1. i have learn a lot from your course, but i still seem to be unfullfilled, and afraid. i take many medicines for bp and anxiety to control my problem; one of them is buspar for pain,clarity and calmness, about 80 mgs a day. if it were not for this drug, i’d probably be locked up somewhere.i guess when your old you might as well give up.

  2. Osho has said that the sufi’s light other’s with the simple and practical techniques to enlighten other’s..
    I can say thank you Morty,I love you…..Excellent Mind Tonic techniques to get better,better and better every day and in every way,like coming out from the clouds and seeing the beautiful sunrise inside and outside.
    Every technique is the Mind Tonic.Thank you Sir, I love you.I am very grateful to know you.

  3. Best wishes for Andres in the new world of Peruvian surroundings and a big hug and thank to you , Morty!
    We, like most linguists, suppose, that there is a direct relation between sign and meaning. But it is our mind that creates a sign out of something that is happening by interpretation and in relation to meaning. So this therapeutical work equals a proof of Pierce´s invention of the ” interpretant” in between.
    Breath of freedom and prerequisite of responsibility.
    Wonderful work!

  4. ok, I don’t to be alone. If my fights i will keep quit. she use to tell that i will go out. Then i have fear that how to take care the childrens. who will maintain the house. Even though i am right in my part b’ze of this i am quit in my life. the same thing is happening in my entire life of other area.

    i know i will not die if she goes out. but still i don’t want to argue with her. she is taking undue advantage on me.

  5. Hello Morty,
    Our human psyche is really fascinating. We jump to fantasy so fast, it makes our head spin. Living consciously and being vigilant about our desire to change the way we perceive things is of the utmost importance. You’re techniques are logical and practical. Thank you and thank you for all of your hard work.

    1. Hi Janet,

      I hope you are able to join us in the course. Sign up information coming tomorrow. I think you will love it.

      Regards, Morty

    1. Hi Linda,

      On Thursday I will send you a video that explains in detail how the Lefkoe Occurring process works and why it’s important.

      Regards, Morty

  6. OK, enough with the anticipatory videos (LOL)! Please send the course info asap – I need it…NOW! My husband needs it…YESTERDAY! I’ve already done all your belief sessions and I’m sold on your stuff! You’ve already helped me a great deal and this sounds wonderful to take it even further.

    1. Hi Kay,

      We will announce details for the new course next Tuesday with a special offer to people who signed up for the videos (like you) a couple of days earlier.

      Thanks for your interest.

      Regards, Morty

  7. Thanks for sharing with us such a great experience. It is wonderful to see that more people wake up, and learn how to be themself, thanks to your method also. Thank you.

  8. Thank you very much,Morty, especially since I finished the Natural Confidence program. I am looking forward to the next video and am interested in the Occurring Course.

  9. Hi Morty,
    This is great. Looks like this program really works. I am about the same age and am at a cross roads regarding my future course from being an interior architect most of my life to a new way of being and doing.
    Would love to hear more.

  10. Morty,

    Good for you. It sounds like you really love what you are doing and so do those who are a part of the process with you. Thank you for sharing with us what you learned. I’m sure a lot of us are all very proud of you!

    I look forward to watching the rest of the videos, I’m enjoying being FREE from so many beliefs and it’s great being a part of the beginning of your great adventure!


  11. Well done Morty,
    This paticular breakthrough that resulted in this course is an exelent one with the potental to positivally effect the lives of many peolpe.
    Now as for the fact that the participatents developed the ability to use the process automatically instead of having to ‘use the techiqunices’. I’m a little suprised that you didn’t know this would happen. When any techiqunic is repeated enough it will be inevatibally ‘internalized’. When this happens it in essance becomes part of the person’s new belief structure. If the newly internlized techiqunic is a skill that gives the person greater freedom (like the ones which your courses use) then their new belief structure will have a positive effect on their entire life, and that is what you are seeing here.
    I have a lot of experence with how such things get internlized, as a number of such tecqunics I have learned have been. This includes the “who am I really” process that you teach. It is extremely libertating when as soon as you find yourself facing a sitution being creayed by a limiting belief (even one you were previouslly unaware of) you not only realize that is what it is but also immedeatly you shift into the “creator mode” of conciousness. The result: the belief, and the results of the belief, just fall away…

    Any way be well, Andrulanix

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